Sunday, May 31, 2009

Church retreat weekend


- packed the church van 'to the brim'
- arrived at the retreat centre approx. 4pm
- last supper in Germany for Trek team, typical bread/cold cuts/cheese
- Trekkies led worship, shared experiences and photos; 
- church members thanked them, presented gifts, prayed blessings
- fun campfire, more singing, sharing... till late
(didn't take pcts on Friday)

- breakfast with freshly baked buns;
- more tearful farewell wishes and good-byes 
- Raf remembered the forgotten backpack, then
- drove the big van one more time to Tegel airport
- the group divided for men/women/children's activities
- soccer game, table games, free time in the afternoon
- thunder/lightening/heavy downpour while Gary and others were barbecueing for supper
- Evening session with worship and Gary' sermon: (Matt 8:1-4...  Jesus grabbed the leper - is willing to embrace us, then speak the cleansing words that heal us)
- Kenton and Kidron Miller shared about their last year, their move to Berlin for the coming 3 years and what God has been doing in their lives.

Sunday focus: My heart in God's hand - 'inner peace';
- after singing the kids were dismissed for a nature hike with Viktor and Kenton;
- the adults received a cup of tea and Scripture verses re: quiet, rest, peace while Andre developed that theme in his sermon;
- Schnitzel, Pommes and salad for lunch; 
- coffee and applecake on the deck after clean-up and packing;
- water fun in the sun; 


Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28

nine a.m. already

the perfect day to sleep-in  
no urgent pressing agenda this morning; 

quiet drizzle rain outside
ticking rhythm of the clock inside
another cherished moment of peace.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Abendteuerpark-Potsdam, May 24

After church we drove out to the Abendteuerpark in Potsdam (40+ min drive)... paid entrance fees, snacked and waited our turn.  What a fun afternoon.  

Church - May 24

Trek team's last worship service in Springbornstrasse church building as we know it now...Andre and the Trek team lead worship (Dinah changing overhead transparencies)...
Raf translated Mario's sermon (Spanish to German) - Ez 47:...challenge to go deeper with God
Good hour of fellowship over coffee and cake as per usual.