Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wednesday morning

On watering duty first this morning - Herr Bestel came by again yesterday with another set of geraniums for 'his' corner. Would love for it to rain so seeded grass could soak and sprout.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday Fliesestrich Frenzy

Gary got home quite late last night after waiting for Mr Friesen and his crew, who drove 3 hrs after their work day yesterday, slept on mats in the church sanctuary - to pour the top layer of concrete on the floor heating in the multi-purpose room and the sanctuary for us today.

'Fliesestrich' is light weight concrete they pump like water onto the floors.  After the early morning stress of completing additional preparations (taping and stapling hoses every 1/2 metre not one metre as he was told) and re-checking all edges and corners, the men had a quick breakfast and began 'the pour'! What an incredible change!!!  By 1:30 pm, their project was complete, the vehicles cleaned, and they joined the rest for lunch. Apparently by tomorrow we can use the room and proceed with work on the walls.  PTL for no leaks in the water hoses, no floating hoses, no places for concrete to escape! It went well!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"We feel better about our community already"

Leveling the walkway, receiving more donated plants, picking out the sticks and stones, digging and preparing the soil to plant recently purchased lilac trees... this and much, much more is transforming 'the look' and 'the feel' of Springbornstrasse 248a. Numerous neighbours pass by on our sidewalks, and more and more they stop to sit and chat about how pleased they are that their community will have a nice centre again.

Dear old Mr. Bestel brought by three bags of colorful bright geranium plants, with instructions to get some bone meal for them, and a specific request of where they should be planted so he could see them from his apartment patio. We know from previous visits how he misses his wife who passed away this year; she would always look down and comment on how pretty the flowers were. ' You need to plant bright colorful blooming bushes to cheer us!' he admonished.

Morning ride to work

 So - any chance I can balance with one hand on bike the other on camera at 7 am? 

- love the cheery geraniums in pots on the rain pipes in our back yard:
- the tulips and daffodils along walkway to the gate are lasting amazingly well;
- met the truck that comes early for recycle items (every two weeks);
- greeted the grandpa who comes from his apartment - works in his garden most every day 
- apple blossoms are my absolute favorite
- the wooden fence belongs to Joachim Schuetz (relation to Lottie and Marty?)
- folks who come out of the apartments are on their way to work or school,
- no dog owners sitting on the park benches quite yet
- kids are sharing the load - carrying project to school in giant bag
- good to see the flowers in the church's flower bed are still there (some have been stolen)

Monday, April 20, 2009

A gift that is cheering many!

New garden tools from Baumarkt, endless hours of digging, pushing, pulling, leveling... an excellent surprise for Elle after she had been away for a few days!!!

Neighbours stop to tell how satisfied they are we are 'making it beautiful' again after years and years of neglect.  Some have dropped off plants,  one lady brought 6 envelopes of seeds she had collected last fall, and others simply can't wait to see it green and blooming.

The tans won't disclose if this is 'a vacation' or 'a missions trip'... the sore backs and muscles do though!   Thanks and thanks ladies!!!

Busy worksite!

Came home to wash a large load of tea towels and catch a short nap before bbq chicken supper tonight. Fun to skype with Dan and Ethan for a bit and post some pictures - the nap will have to wait for later.
Here are a few snapshots of the multiple projects;  most fun was possibly the German black forest cake for Richard's birthday at coffee break!
The ladies continue landscaping outside; Darrel and Ron are building/framing walls; Dinah sweeping an oh so dusty room; Lawrence is putting on mud/stucco; Mike taping the drywall; Josiah and Raf putting insulation on new floor, Peter sealing the tarpaper with the blow torch; Juergen and Alex stringing electrical wires; Norbert and Dennis re-doing plumbing in the kitchen; Dustin is recording the whole event to make a video...  I know I missed a few I know: Kathy spent endless hours washing dishes this morning... Dave and Ben were cutting concrete door frames - machine was ever soooo loud - couldn't get good picture. Candi is out in the garden as well...   Gary???  Don't know where Gary is - here and there and everywhere!!!

Yeah for great weather, good attitudes, willing workers!