Sunday, December 20, 2009

Aufwiedersehen - bis bald!

After handing over the house keys to the realtor
and moving our suitcases to church this afternoon,

we joined the others for a good-bye party,
Olga served desserts, fresh apple struddle and ice cream in the dining room.

We picked up our chairs and moved to the sanctuary...
for singing, special numbers and presentations;
many well wishes, prayers, hugs and tears.

We're going to miss our Berlin family - may God keep us all close to Himself!

Service in the new sanctuary today!

It was so good to enter the newly carpeted sanctuary this morning -
and be able to sense it had truly become a place to worship with God's people!

The lighting, the acoustics, the 'feel' or the room are great!
The group is looking forward this week's Christmas program in the room
and a Christmas Eve meal in the dining room.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sanctuary focus this week!

(will post about Nov/Dec whirlwind of activity and changes when I get a moment,
for this morning - here's this week's highlights)

After weeks of endless hours of sanding, mudding, sanding and sanding some more...
many sore joints and muscles (ibuprofen) later...,
Gary and Kenton decided the walls were ready to be painted!
Juergen and Marcelo completed the electrical details for the lights...
What a change!!!

The many hands of 'team-work' got another job done yesterday!

They wasted no time, but began preparing the floor,
sanding, sweeping, vacuuming and painting 'Grundierung'.

Gary just called (8:10 am) that he and Kenton finished the last paint detail
(windows up top and last coat on the bottom 1/2 of the walls) and are ready for breakfast.
The aim is to get the rug laid before the end of the afternoon.

Asking God for physical energies, alert minds, good working spirits,
God's continued care and protection
for this last workday before Christmas 2009.

Brazil:on hold, - still processing decision;

Hard to believe it's already a month ago that we were at Recanto Barnabe,
the beautiful Adventure Camp setting
where Jim and Marilou Nightengale and their 2 boys live and work.
Blue skies, lush green, hot humid weather... and ... lots of rain as well...
Yes we had rice and beans, pastel and guarana at the feira, churrasco one night,
and thoroughly enjoyed the sights, sounds, smells of being back in Brazil.

Nature's tropical, coastal rainforest on the camp property is very, very beautiful!!!!
Jim took us down the paths to the water source and future recreation areas;
What an excellent setting, what incredible potential.

Amadeu and Yvonete came to spend two nights with us at the camp. What a rich blessing and encouragement to share how each has experienced God to be faithful, both in our families and the various ministries experiences since the Taguatinga chapter (Jan '81-June '84). Amadeu was the first to make a decision for Christ and be discipled. He brought his family members, many friends and acquaintances to Christ and to the church. He has trained leaders and is now retired from formal pastoral duties. They are active in the church, and Amadeu continues to serve on the national leadership directory of the AEM.

God bless our friends and colleagues in Brazil !
May HIS KINGDOM continue to grow among the people.
Pray with us that we hear clearly what God is asking of us
re: construction at the camp at some point 2010.