Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A new week

Eph 2:10  "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

- yeah for summer rains, raincoats and umbrellas to share;
- yeah for lots of green all around and the beauty of each delicate flower;
- yeah for Alex, Ron, Kenton & Kidron at our table;
- yeah for watermelon...

but hey - anybody know where the other earplugs went? 

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Monday after

It's a state holiday (Pentecost - Monday)...

Gary just called to say they'll be ready for lunch at 12:30. 
- Good thing he remembered stores would be closed - we grabbed some quick groceries before leaving for the camp on Friday.
- Ron Matthies (Stuttgart) is here for the week to help Gary; Kenton & Kidron will join us. 
- I'm looking forward to the week - not quite sure what it will hold, but know we'll be busier after next Sunday with the Willingdon team for 2 wks and the Lage group (3-4 days to lay tiles).  Exciting to anticipate the visible changes and progress!!!
- Grateful for the gift of God's Spirit poured out on Pentecost!
- Seem to hear two repeated themes: 
   a) let God work through you from a centre of rest and peace...
   b) bloom where you are planted, enjoy today for what today holds, doing the good deeds he prepared for you to do.

My ride is here... must run!