Sunday, March 29, 2009

Floor heating...

 'There is still more to do...', (understatement)
 but, most of the wall heating units have now been installed;

they are now also connected to the new hoses and pipes thru which the hot water will run. 
Necessary holes were jackhammered or drilled..., (ask the Trekkers)
it involved getting into narrow, dusty, dirty places...
the pipes and hoses were either laid, pushed or pulled into place...
from the basement to the top floor, from one room to the next...,  
and then... they needed insulation to be put around the hoses 
(see Candi's photos)

The multi-purpose room gets floor heating - layers of tar paper, water sealant and insulation ar e part of the necessary preparation before the pipes will be laid and fastened this coming week.

This weekend's mix...

- a full-house and numerous guests at church this morning even with the time change; 
- spontaneous group lunch at the Bulgarian restaurant. 
- home for a short nap, and then we attended a free concert of Kammermusik by the local Treptower Instrumentalkreis at the Evangelical church down the street. I especially enjoyed the Telemann, Stamitz and Haydn selections. 

Saturday: Elle's (Elvira) birthday and colour draping party with her sister Olga who came down from Paraborn for a few days. Got there for 10 - and returned to my Satuday cleaning duties at church after 3pm.
Warm or cold colors, can she keep wearing black?... we were all crowding to see the effect in the mirror... (it was not staged picture - Elle was quick with her camera)
Oksana confidently wearing 'her' colors...
Friday nite: a party for Claudia (extreme right) at Vonda's (next to her on right) organized by Meggie (bottom left)... I got a ride with Olga (next to me) - fun evening with fingerfoods, cake and relaxing atmosphere after a busy week.  Claudia is a member of the church who works with university students.

Therefore do not be anxious...

Again and again the spring flowers cheer my day
I'm reminded they 'neither toil nor spin', 
our Creator creates them with individual beauty...

... if God so clothes the grass of the field, 
which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, 
will he not much more clothe you?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Zum Johannisthaler

'Zum Johannisthaler' was the name of the restaurant that once served the people of Johannisthal, in the building we're renovating. 
 In an article of the Dec/08 issue of Berliner newspaper (discovered this weekend), a friendly neighbour wrote on how this once busy food venue was shut down overnight, stood abandoned for many years, and became vandalized and run down. He commented on the overgrown 'jungle' around the building which was purchased by an evangelical group in Dec 2007.  The place is being renovated he wrote, and noted that you now hear people in the building say: 'Lobet den Herrn' (Praise the Lord)  - words which before used to be directed as praise to the restaurant chef.

Pray that the people of the Johannisthal neighbourhood would have an insatiable hunger for God and His Truth.

Pray that we would already love them, and know how to bring them to God, and help them to know Jesus as their personal Saviour, Redeemer, Lord and Friend.

take out the old, install the new

Last week the old steel/metal doors with their broken windows and tin were replaced with the new windows... long days of hard work... and wow... what an incredible difference to have light in the 5 entrances and hallways.

Monday, March 16, 2009

'Gott war nicht da...'

This Sunday,  just yesterday...
Gary and I heard the worship team practicing as we walked up to church in time for 9:30 prayer. Gary entered the sanctuary - I sat down in the kitchen with 3 guests watching Juergen put prices on kids CD's that had arrived. We poured  cups of coffee, shook hands, ... stumbled over brief introductions and began a sporadic conversation rhythm of question, answer, awkward silences (known all to well by uncomfortable first-timers who are not sure why they consented to come). 

Suddenly an unsolicited confession directed at me so not everyone would hear: 
I don't 'get' this church thing... 
God wasn't there when... 
He didn't... ...,  when I think He could have... 
and I can't believe He cares that...

I don't think you can understand me, can you?

You are right, I don't understand the depth of your disappointment; 
However, I think I can understand why it feels like he wasn't there... 
I am so sorry.
You are right, I was taught by my parents, and now as an adult I choose to believe God is always everywhere...;  it is true that I also reach limits and don't understand why life is unfair
I am so sorry.  
Caught in a wave of shared emotion: we cried, shared deep hurt and ache...and kleenex.

If I could see him like I can see you... 
then maybe I could know...  like you say you do. 
Maybe then I could believe this God stuff is real...
maybe then I could know him.

Reflecting, I pray a silent prayer:  
God, please remove what blinds the eye to see you
the ear to hear you and the heart to know you.
God, please make yourself known...  show yourself ...
... in a personal, private, individual understood way...
please answer the many questions and doubts.

How can they know if they aren't told?
What about you will she see thru me? What will she learn?
 Gott war doch da...
God, I believe you were there... you are here... God you are!!!

Vielen Dank!

Just one short week ago we spent Sunday morning and afternoon in Basel;  Raf's aunt and uncle met us after the service at the Muenster church and toured historic sites with us. They served a lovely meal in their home and sent us on our way with blessings and well wishes. God was there! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Across the Rhein to Strassbourgh

Short drive... relatively short line-up... limited view of the Rhein... no need for passports... no wind for the flags... French signs... GPS takes us directly to the center of the old town.

... flowers for mommy...

... these are a few of my favorite things...